Wednesday, July 11, 2007


So, it is confirmed, officially that I will be starting on July 16th with Accenture in their Palo Alto office. Most of the process of getting a new date set for orientation including location and date was pretty painless. My HR person was extremely helpful in making accommodations. Which brings me to the topic of asking.

I think as new employees, there are many things that we do not know. It is similar to being the new kid in the school playground. There are spoken and unspoken rules. The spoken rules are easy for most kids to spoke. Don't pick fights, don't do things that are stupid. But like most schools playgrounds, there are unspoken rules like where the cool kids hang out and how gets to use the basketball hoops at 3pm. To learn these unspoken rules quickly can save a person a lot of trouble.

Apply the same type of thinking to a new job and you get the idea. The spoken rules are usually common sense item. It is the unspoken one that are hard to think of. One way that I learned to spot these is to speak to ask many people as possible, and do as a good job searching about the company you are about to start with. That way, you know what you can ask your HR person and what you can't ask. It also makes your first day at work a lot easier, or at least I hope. We'll see in a few days.

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